Monday, November 19, 2012

Gila Monster

Reticulated Gila Monster

  • "Gila Monster's Saliva Holds Medical Promise"
  • December 2003
  • I chose this article because i heard of the Gila Monster, and i want to know more about it.
  • I learned that the Gila Monster's saliva is actually toxic. It can put you in the hospital. That's just how badly it can be to people. I also found out that researchers created a diabetes drug from the saliva.
  • This article, didn't give any other information on the Gila Monster besides to the saliva. I wanted to know more.
  • I wouldn't purchase a Gila Monster. I think it would be too risky for me.
  • A Gila monster can cost up to 1000 dollars
  • You can purchase them at or of course
  • Gila Monsters don't have any morphs.
  • They are not endangered.
  • A permit IS required to keep one.
  • Give Gila Monsters burrows to hide, and you can feed them mice and water if you want but be areful with them.
  • They are expert ranked pets
  • I found learning about the Gila Monsters saliva was interesting. Also the fact tat researchers are studying it.

Breeding Lizards

  • "Starting a Lizard Breeding Project"
  • December 2003
  • I chose This article to learn about breeding lizards. I really only know how to breed snakes. I think there's a difference in breeding though
  • I like how the author explains how breeding lizards is fun. Seeing your first hatchling depart from its egg. It makes me want to breed them myself. It could be something i can keep under consideration.
  • I learned about the considerations of breeding them. Actually being ready for taking care of a lizard. having a home and stuff lined up for them. Always keeping n eye on them and keeping them happy with their home and healthy.
  • Each Lizard has their own requirements. But they all just need a home, food and water, and always must be watched.


  • "Newt Speak"
  • December 2003
  • I chose this article because i have no knowledge of newts. I wanted to learn more about them, so i figured this article would enchant me with knowledge
  • I liked how the article gave most of the basic knowledge of newts. Also how they behave, so i can find out what to deal with if i keep a newt as a pet. The article shows pictures of the different types of newts to, so that's pretty neat. They also show where certain types of newts live. Its a very knowledgeable source.
  •  I learned pretty much all of the things I said I liked about the article. Newt's behavior, morphs, and where they're from. Mostly The different color morphs.I would actually want to start collecting newts since they're so small.
  • I guess knowing about what newts eat would be a question for me. Just in case i'd keep one as a pet.
  • I wouldn't just purchase one, I'd get a lot of different ones and start a collection.
  • Newts can cost 40 dollars.
  • You can purchase them at or of course
  • I would say there are over 100 morphs.
  • Struach's spotted newt usually cost around 45, but it depends on who's selling
  • Newts are not endangered.
  • A permit is actually required to keep a newt, since they are poisonous.
  • I couldn't even tell how to take care of a newt, i would just say wear protective gloves and give it food and water every day
  • They can be classified as expert pets.

Snake Captivity Strategies

  • "Strategies for the Long-Term Care of Captive Snakes"
  • December 2003
  • I chose this article to learn more ways to take care of snakes and have them live long healthy lives.
  • I felt that these strategies are pretty good. I liked the fact that they can work on any kind of snake. Whether if its a boa, kingsnake, milksnake or python. I know most of these methods, but its good to know that i know how to take care of snakes.
  • This article is like a review to me on stuff i already knew. Snakes should have their cage cleaned regularly. They need to have fresh food and water everyday. But I didn't know what temperature each snake needs to have, so you can say that's something i learned.
  • There was nothing I needed to ask about because all of the requirements were explained and straight-forward.

Mud Turtles

Mississippi Mud Turtle

  • "Tracking Big Bend Mud Turtles in Texas"
  • December 2003
  • I chose this article to do a little bit of research on turtles. Not a particular kind, but just turtles in particular. Researching can help my knowledge on all reptiles, so this research is based on turtles.
  • Nothing new to learn about on turtles. Only thing i learned about was a turtle that was unfamiliar to me, the mud turtle. Not a lot of general stuff about it was explained though. Just a couple of people talking about tracking it.
  • I have a couple of general questions about the turtle. Why do they want to track it is one. Also, stuff about the turtle like how old can it get.
  • I would purchase a turtle just to say i have one.
  • The mud turtle can cost around 30 to 40 dollars
  • You can buy them at or amaon for 38 dollars
  • I don't believe the mud turtle has any morphs
  • I don't know if mud turtles are endangered, but i would think they are since these guys are trying to find one.
  • No permit is required to captivate one.
  • To take care of them, feed them grass and fruit or something like that i would say. Taking it out for fresh air and grass once in a while can be a good thing. All done on a daily basis.
  • Consider the mud turtle a beginner pet.
  • I dont really find the mud turtle intriguing, but its nice to learn a little more about them.


Green anole
Brown Anole

  • "Altered State: Florida's alien anoles find a place in a herper's heart"
  • December 2003
  • I completely chose this article because i don't know anything about anoles.  I didn't even know what they were until i noticed them in the article.
  • I liked learning more about what these anoles were, what they looked like, and everything else. To me they look like tiny crocodiles mixed with geckos with a long straight tail. Its nice to learn new things, especially a whole new species. For that, I'm happy about the knowledge of this article.
  • I learned that some anoles come from Cuba, the Bahamas, Jamaica and other various places. Also, i learned that some can change colors like chameleons. Some are bigger than others as well. Also in both genders both of the have a big red dewlap on there neck, but males have bigger ones.
  • I have a lot of questions about them though. What are there environments like? When do they usually breed? Stuff like that is what i'd like to know still.
  • I would get one of these anoles. I find them interesting now that i found out about them.
  • Some of these lizards cost 65 dollars.
  • They can be bought at or for about 60-80 dollars.
  • They have 5 different morphs, but some can change colors.
  • The native green anole can cost 30 dollars. Ive researched and seen a brown anole for 15 dollars.
  • I would believe that they would be endangered, since I've never seen one, but they actually aren't.
  • A permit is not required for having an anole as pet.
  • To take care of these you should have a hiding place for them. daily maintenance, and you should be alright.
  • I'd categorize them as beginner pets
  • I was most interested in discovering and learning about the anole. 


  • "Cooling Off Snakes"
  • December 2003
  • The reason why I chose this article is because i personally know a lot about cornsnakes and I wish to know as much as i can.
  • I like how the person in this article explains a lot of important stuff on breeding corns. It can be very useful if I ever decide to get a couple of cornsnakes and breed them. Im not thinking about doing that though. Still, i can keep it under consideration and have these tips under my sleeve.
  • I pretty much relearned all of the stuff that i already knew. Breeding corns aren't really knew to me. Although I never bred them before, i still kind of know some stuff about it. Overall its all old news.
  • I would consider getting myself. I know a lot of stuff about them so I don't see why not.
  • Cornsnakes generally cost 35 dollars or more.
  • They can be purchased at or for 35 dollars.
  • Cornsnakes do have morphs. Over 300 of them.
  • Blood Red
  • An albino would cost 50 dollars, and a blood red would cost 90 dollars. 
  • The cornsnake is not an endangered species.
  • You definitely do not have to have a permit for a cornsnake.
  • Taking care of cornsnakes is a really easy thing to do.
  • If you captivate one, just treat it with food, water and shelter. change cage on a daily basis if you want.
  • They are definitely in the beginners pet category. they wouldn't harm anyone. They're very nice.

Senegal Chameleon

  • "Dicey Senegal"
  • 2003 December
  • I Chose this article to learn more about chameleons
  • In this article i liked learning about the senegal chameleon and how to breed them. it was a good learning experience on how it works. Its not the stuff that i wouldnt really find interesting. Even still, I still feel enlightened.
  • Like i said, i learned a lot about the breeding of the Senegal. How to make a female and male mate for one thing. How the process of the female body is functioning during pregnancy. I also learned a lot of the general statisitics of a male and for a female.
  • I would still like to learn a lot more about the chameleons besides the breeding stuff. like do senegals have any morphs?
  • Im not too interested in buying any sort of chameleons. Im just interested in learning about them.
  • Ive seen a couple of prices of this chameleon for 125 dollars, but im sure there are cheaper ones.
  • They can be purchased at or
  • The article didn't say there were any morphs, and that was one thing i was interested in knowing myself. Though, judging the fact that it's a chameleon, they could probably have a lot of morphs.
  • The Senegal is not endangered.
  • No permit is required to have one.
  • It shouldnt be a problem to have one. I don't believe they would bite someone. In captive, i would recommend an environment that replicates their habitat for their cage.
  • I would classify this reptile as a beginner pet.
  • There wasnt really any interesting things about the article overall, but its still very full of knowledge.

Blunt-Headed Tree Snake

  • July, 2005
  • I Chose This Article To discover the significance of tree snakes.
  • I liked how the article describes how wonderful, unique, and graceful the tree snake is.
  • I basically learned the general information on the blunt-headed tree snakes: natural habitat, scientific name (Imantodes Cenchoa), how long they get, etc.
  • I still wonder why the tree snakes prefer to be in trees. I know thats why they get there name tree snakes, but i want a good logical reason.
  • I would purchase a tree-snake, not for a certain reason, because i would purchase any kind of snake.
  • The article doesnt say how much one costs in stores, but they would cost around 17 dollars
  • They can be purchased on or
  • no morphs
  • Blunt heads are not endangered
  • No permission is required to have these snakes.
  • These snakes can be cage defensive if captive
  • To take care of these snakes you must not be scared to change the bedding and water once and a while and it must be taken care of on a daily basis
  • This snake would be considered a intermediate level animal
  • The most interesting fact about this snake to me is the fact that it literally almost have more head than its skinny body